Language Development for Business Process Architecture Description (Ilias Benabdellah)
The idea of this thesis is to develop a concrete syntax (i.e., notation) for the Business Process Architecture Language (BPAL) we are currently developing. The development is a joint effort of UGentMIS (Prof. Geert Poels) and the ALARCOS research group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Prof. Francisco Ruiz, Prof. Felix Garcia, Prof. Mario Piattini).
A good starting point for the research is a recent paper co-authored by Geert Poels, as an output of a joint research project with the ALARCOS research group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Ciudad Real, Spain). You can download the paper here:
BPAL is a modelling language that can be used to describe the ‘system’ of business processes in an organisation. Contrary to BPMN, it does not focus on a single process, but on the interplay of different work processes and on their role within the organisation’s enterprise architecture. After having developed a conceptualisation (i.e., ontology) and meta-model for business process architecture, the current research focuses on modelling and analysis techniques. A modelling language with an intuitive, but well-defined notation is an important component of such techniques.
The thesis research involves
- Study of business process architecture, modelling language design, and the research on BPAL to determine the language requirements;
- Design of alternative concrete syntaxes (i.e., notations) for BPAL;
- Experimentation to determine the best alternative;
- Evaluation of the language requirements.
The research might require some collaboration with researchers/students from ALARCOS, in particular with respect to activities 2 and 3.